Greetings in German Empty22.03.16 20:48

Greetings in German

رقم المشاركة : ( 1 )
عضو فعال
عضو فعال

عيونك دنيتي


عدد المساهمات : 312
نقاط : 64396
 Greetings in German 24
مُساهمةموضوع: Greetings in German

Greetings in German

Guten Tag !
Wie geht's dir ?
Mach's Gut
Ich bin Neko-chan
Es ist schon dich kennen zu lernen ! ( o with two dots above )
Well, I'll share with u some of the most greetings that I learnt in German and they are really helpful so let's begin !
Hallo = Hello
Willkommen = welcome
Guten morgen = good morning ( for short u can say ( Morgen ) )
Guten Tag = Good day or u can say Tag for short ( that was my greeting in the begining :D)
Guten Abend = Good evening or u can say for short N'Abend
Wie geht's dir ? = How Are you ? it is a short one of ( Wie geht es dir
when you are talking to someone who's older than you or some person you don't know very well we add word ( ihnen ) instead of Dir
Dankeschon , Gut = fine , thank you ( o with two dots above )
Ganz gut= pretty well
Ganz okay = pretty okay
Nicht so gut = not that good
Ich kann nicht klagen = I can't complain
so schlecht = so bad
mir auch = Me too
How to say Goodbye :
Tschüss ! = Bye-Bye !
Tschau/ciao = Bye Bye
Auf wiedersehen = Good bye
Bis bald = see you soon
Bis spater = see you later ( a with two dots above )
Bis gleich = See you then ( in known point in time )
Bis dann = see you then ( unknown point in time )
Bis morgen = see you tomorrow
Bis nachste woche = see you next week ( a with two dots above )
Guten nacht =Good night or ( Nacht) for short
Mach's gut = take care ( and it's : Mach es gut ) Mach es = Mach's
so well, u must to know how to pronounce them right because it's different than English
But the problem is that I can't teach you how
u can learn by listening to them
so Dankeschon für Alles ( o with two dots above )
Tschau ♥
Sorry there's a problem about typing some letters
so I described them between brackets

الموضوع الأصلي : Greetings in German // المصدر : منتديات همسات المطر //الكاتب: عيونك دنيتي

توقيع : عيونك دنيتي

 Greetings in German Empty23.03.16 15:20

Greetings in German

رقم المشاركة : ( 2 )
نائب المدير
نائب المدير



العمر : 37
عدد المساهمات : 21275
نقاط : 142220
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Greetings in German

Greetings in German

دائما مبدعة سيدتي شكرا لكي ولمواضيعك الرائعة

الموضوع الأصلي : Greetings in German // المصدر : منتديات همسات المطر //الكاتب: الساهر

توقيع : الساهر


الــرد الســـريـع
